From eye sore to give me more !

Forge memorable brand impressions in a blink of an eye.

Expert Logo & Brand Identity Design Services

A good logo shares so much about your business without you having to say a word. Unsure if the logo you have now is speaking well of you? Imagine communicating your values to clients through your logo alone. Having a strong logo design and branding is foundational in crafting the right perception and even presentation for you and your audience.

I offer 2 packages for my brand identity services:

Make Your Mark

Logo Identity Design

Thou Shall & Shalt Not

Branding Guidelines

The “Make Your Mark” Tri-Flo Process

We Clarify

We get clear on your logo objectives in our Research & Strategy kick-off session and hone in on your audience, your competition, what you would the logo to express and any visual inspirations that you may have.

We Explore

We go through 3 rounds of revisions that cover all grounds to make sure you end up with a logo, type and color palette that delivers the right message to your target demographic.

We Finalize

At the end of the project, you’ll walk away with a folder full of different logo formats for your future needs. You’ll also get a cheat sheet that details what file types should be used in future design projects.

The “Thou Shall & Shalt Not” branding guideline manual

Level up with a personalized Branding Guideline manual, my second Brand Identity offer. Keep your message and identity uniform regardless of who is working with it. On average, Forbes reports a 23% increased revenue when brand consistency is honored. With a Branding Guideline manual, reward your customer’s brand loyalty and recognition so their perception of you stays high.

Ready to get started?

Contact Me

Schedule a Discovery Call or send me a message. I respond to all requests within 24 hours. You can also email me at: Talk to you soon!

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I design logos for professionals needing to make lasting impressions on their audience.