Get smart content that packs a punch !

Presentation Content Punch-Up & Strategy

Do you find yourself staring at your presentation copy unsure of the best way to position your message and communicate your story? With my experience designing successful presentations, I can help you craft your message to target and compel your audience to act.

My Tri-Flo process for content & strategy services, typically look like this:

We Kick-Off

On our kick-off call, we’ll review your presentation, talk about your audience, your goals and any specific needs. If you need a content outline, I’ll help you with strategy so you can create a draft… otherwise I’ll dive into what you’ve already got.

We Strengthen

I’ll review your copy and find where we can punch it up to make for a more effective message or structure.

We Nail-it-Down

You’ll get my recommendations in a Google doc presented via a Loom video so you can understand the strategy. Then we’ll hop on a call to discuss any questions or feedback you have. You’ll get up to two rounds of revisions to nail it down.

You will walk away with compelling content and ready to move on to the next phase, the design of your presentation!

Ready to get started?

Contact Me

Schedule a Discovery Call or send me a message. I respond to all requests within 24 hours. You can also email me at: Talk to you soon!

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I design presentations for busy professionals so they can move their audience to action.